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Origin Design Consultants - brain cells before mega bytesbible society


Redcliffe College: New Prospectus and Response Newsletter

Redcliffe is an international community of people, from over 25 nationalities who love Jesus Christ and want to serve him, wherever they are called. Origin were appointed to produce a new prospectus. This involved working with and developing Redcliffe's existing brand 'look and feel'. Spending a day with the students at the college taking on location photography. From initial concepts, design and layout through to the final artwork of a 30 page prospectus. Including course sheets enclosed in a back page pocket. Origin also produce a quarterly newsletter for Redcliffe called 'Response'. Which features regular events and news from student missions.

Ancora House, Studio 42, Anchor Road, Calne, Wiltshire SN11 8DU Tel: 01249 822622